Isabelle Lazonde
I am Australian with a great interest in languages. ( trilingual) Initially from the book/publishing industry specialising in Foreign languages, I am now teaching and translating professionally. I am a great believer in multilingualism and how it can connect people around the world and facilitate communication. I joined icv so I can put my skills towards great causes.
— Isabelle, French Guiana
Olivia Clark
I have been drawn to all things French for as long as I can remember. I lived in France on two separate occasions, fully immersing myself in the culture. As a result, we now holiday there every year. Combined with my work and studies, I enjoy literature, cinema and French radio as part of my everyday life. Other personal interests include diving and sailing, which I manage to indulge intermittently; however I practise yoga and run in Richmond Park regularly. Health and nutrition play a central role in my life and on the back of this I have always maintained a deep-seated passion for cooking. I take great pleasure in travel and the exploration of new cultures - especially their respective cuisines. I am wholeheatedly involved in the education of my children and, combined with the learning curve of being a full-time mother, feel that I have learnt a vast amount about child development, which I find entirely fascinating.
— Olivia, United Kingdom
veronica llumipanta
hi, i´m 21 years old a i really engoy meeting new people and helping them, i always smile because i think that a smile can change a lot of lifes, also i want to help people with my knowledge and i will do all i can to do this.
— veronica, Ecuador
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